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Re: Let's start salvaging packages -- Summary of the BoF Session.

On August 5, 2018 7:41:41 AM UTC, Tobias Frost <tobi@debian.org> wrote:
>On Sun, Aug 05, 2018 at 06:50:28AM +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> Since it's explicitly in the Debian constitution that the TC is the
>> decider of package maintainership, how does a dev-ref change overcome
>> that?
>Yes, the TC has the power to decide ultimately about maintainership
>there is an dispute and if involved parties failed find consesus. The
>proposed process does not change that.
>As an additional data point, we have processes in place to change
>maintainership without involving the TC, e.g the MIA process.

Yes, that's sort of true, but not really.  The MIA process doesn't actually determine anything about who a maintains a package.  It determines who is no longer active in the project.  The impact on who the maintainer is is a secondary effect of the MIA process.

Package 'salvaging' is about an involuntary change of maintainer involving someone who is sufficiently active in the project not to be MIA.  It's fundamentally different.

I suspect it's constitutionally sufficient for the TC to approve the salvaging process as long as the process allows them to resolve related disputes.  I'm not trying to shoot down the concept, but we need to be mindful of the responsibilities of different roles in the structure of the project as it is established.

Scott K

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