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Re: unattended-upgrades by default?


* Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> [2016-11-03 19:47:28 CET]:
> One of the topics that we've been talking about yesterday is automatic
> software upgrades of cloud images. Some of the cloud platform
> providers really want this so that unsophisticated / inexperienced
> users of Debian images on their platforms will be secure by
> default. But there are potential issues here:
>  * if users are providing a service like a database from a cloud
>    instance, there may be unexpected (potentially lengthy) downtime if
>    upgrades happen. Of course, this can be mitigated by disabling the
>    upgrade job on those machines if desired but that needs people to
>    know to do this. Experienced users will probably be dealing with
>    upgrades already, so this should not be an issue.

 It's not only databases.  It's also caching services like varnish, or
cluster software which would trigger a failover then.

 In theory I'm all for it, but there definitely should be some more fine
tuning for that.  Please don't auto-restart varnish by needrestart, it
puts a lot of load on the backend which might be a very bad idea.  And
the downtime that a mysql upgrade brings along is kinda annoying.

 And: cluster setups might be a real pain here.  If you restart the
cluster software at the same time you potentially run into split brain

 So: BIG yeah for single-user non-critical systems, big nay and
headaches for production nodes. 

 Just my thoughts,
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