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Re: Replacing web assets with symlinks to packaged versions

Enrico Zini writes ("Replacing web assets with symlinks to packaged versions"):
> as upstream of https://github.com/spanezz/staticsite I want it so that
> when people git clone it or open a tarball of it, it just works,
> with no need of installing twitter bootstrap in example/theme manually.
> As Debian packager of it, I want twitter bootstrap in example/theme to
> be symlinks to what's in libjs-twitter-bootstrap.

As I understand it, your problem is that:

 * Upstream wants the upstream tarball to contain a copy of bootstrap
 * Debian wants the copy of bootstrap removed from the source package
 * But none of our source formats can replace files with symlinks ?


Otherwise you could just have a script or utility or something which
you would run during "import new upstream version", and which would
sort out the symlinks.

> Could someone pick this up and turn it into something that integrated
> well with our toolchain, so that I can turn my staticsite tarballs into
> Debian packages with minimal effort, and so could everyone else[1]?

If I am right, in my suppositions above, then part of your underlying
problem is the one I was talking about in my "faithful source format"

But perhaps an easier answer would be to do the symlink replacement on

I feel I haven't really understood why you need LD_PRELOAD or FUSE.


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