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Re: trying to use wireless not from gnome... what's the incantation?

On Mon, 2016-05-23 at 08:28 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> Using low-level tools can indeed be tricky, so while they're more
> powerful than anything NM or wicd can do, they're an overkill and a
> waste of learning time if what you want is regular use of a single
> interface.

I have a new laptop on which only Stretch worked - and then only
partly.  Among the things that didn't work were wicd (kept on
reinitialising the interface every 10 seconds or so) and network-
manager (didn't recognise the interface at all).  This initially caused
a lot of head scratching and wasted time because I blamed the drivers
of new hardware.  But it worked 100% reliably when in desperation I
configured it manually.

If you are posting to debian-devel manual configuration should not be
hard for you.  Ensure ifupdown and ifplugd are installed.  Add this
into /etc/network/interfaces:

    auto wifi_interface
    iface wifi_interface inet dhcp
    	    pre-up    	    	    systemctl stop wpa_supplicant || :
    	    post-down    	    systemctl start wpa_supplicant || :
    	    wpa-driver    	    nl80211,wext,wired 
    	    wpa-conf    	    /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

And add stanza's like this to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
for each WiFi network you want to use:



    Doing it like this drops the amount of code between you and the metal
    by an order of magnitude.  Reliability goes up accordingly.  Day to day
    usage is identical - it just works wherever you are, connecting you to
    the local network at boot without you having to raise a finger.  Ease
    of configuration is a matter of taste - I happen to prefer to being
    able to see all my wifi networks in a text editor, so I won't be using
    wicd or network-manager for wifi again.

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