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Re: a poll for Dgit workflows

On Mar 24, Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:

> But I think that someone who knows how to use git should be able to
> get the source code for a package in Debian, as a git branch, and
> modify that source code, and share it, and so on, without needing to
> deal with quilt, or learn any of dpkg-source --commit, git-dpm, gbp,
> git-debcherry, debian-git-patch-spoogler, Uncle Tom Cobbly and all.
I cannot comment on other the workflows of specific tools, mostly 
because I have never managed to find one that would solve some problems 
that I have, but my own packages do not require anything like that, not 
even quilt. E.g.:

git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/users/md/kmod.git
cd kmod

# if you do not have the upstream source archive then you can make your own
git checkout v22
cd ..
tar cJf kmod_22.orig.tar.xz kmod
cd kmod
git checkout master

# and now you can start hacking
echo meh >> TODO
# if you do not know about this step then dpkg-buildpackage will 
# helpfully tell you about it
dpkg-source --commit

There is nothing here but pure git and standard Debian tools.

Also, considering that most Debian packages nowadays use the 3.0 quilt 
format I do not think that asking developers to use quilt is an 
excessive burden.


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