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Re: How to change config script for multiarch?

Thank you your good answer.

At Wed, 10 Feb 2016 08:34:10 +0100,
Vincent Danjean wrote:
>   I do not think there is a generic answer. But, if your script is
> simple, perhaps just replacing hardcoded directory names by the output
> of "dpkg -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH" will be enough.

I think "dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)" is the right
command, not dpkg right?

>   Note that this won't solve cross-compilation issues. For this, unless
> specific needs, a convertion to pkg-config style is probably the
> easiest/rightest (but it is better to do it with upstream). In this
> case, the chasen-config might be rewritten with internal calls to
> pkg-config to avoid to duplicate the information and still keeping
> the old interface.

I am also a member of the upstream, but the software is now under
maintainance phase, so it is hard to accept using pkg-config insead of
the current script.
I consider to use pkg-config on debian specific patch in the future.

Thank you again.

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