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Re: Polkit: prompt for root password

Am 01.09.2015 um 20:54 schrieb Jayson Willson:
> It seems to me, that such approach will increase security. If "sudo" and
> "policykit" prompt for user password, then even if some other man knows
> my user password, he can administer system, as he can both log into the
> system and user sudo/polkit, but if root password is required for using
> sudo/polkit, then knowing my user's password is not enough, and the only
> thing he will be able to change is files in /home/user.

Why did you then put your user in group sudo in the first place if what
you want is "su" type behaviour?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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