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Re: interested in (co-)maintaining midori

On Saturday, August 08 2015, Andres Salomon wrote:

>> I saw your message only yesterday, sorry about that.  As it turns
>> out, I have also been working on getting Midori fixed.  My intention
>> is to maintain it; Thadeu Cascardo is going to help me take over the
>> package. However, as you are also willing to co-maintain the package,
>> maybe we could create a group on Alioth to work together?
> There's already a midori packaging group/git repo:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/midori.git/

Hello Andres,

Yes, I know that.  I have been using this repository as the base, too.
But the idea is to get a real group for Midori, like the Mozilla
packagers have (for example).  This git repository is just this: a git
repository.  With a group we would have the advantage of having an
official mailing list to coordinate efforts, and also interested
(co-)maintainers for the package working together.

> My repo is based on this, and my plan was to get access permission
> from Corsac after uploading the package to sid.  Then I could push
> my changes, maintaining history.  That would be my preference.

Sure, I certainly don't want to throw away any existing changes...

>> I also looked at your branch.  What I am doing is basically a
>> "repackaging", from scratch, trying to figure out what's important and
>> what's not.  I'll publish my branch later today.
> Why from scratch?

... and maybe I should have been more clear about the "from scratch"
part.  It was just a stronger way of saying that I am actually reviewing
every file under debian/ to see if everything is really needed or not.

What I noticed from your branch is that you don't really delete the "old
stuff"; you are mostly making sure that the latest version works.  I am
spending time removing unnecessary things and figuring out how to
optimize other things there.  My intention is to get the package in good
shape again (but not take too long doing that, of course).

> I'll take a look at your branch once it's published.

Thanks.  I have just published it:


This is *not* based on the official repository, but that's just because
I found it more convenient.  As I said above, I intend to merge it to
the original repository very soon.


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