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Re: GCC 5 / libstdc++ abi wiki: can FIXMEs be fixed?

On 07/05/2015 08:52 PM, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> Hi,
> I've heard rumours that GCC 5 is coming :-)

there are even rumours about GCC 6 (defaulting to C++14) ;)

> I help maintain several C++ libraries and expect some work is required to get 
> through this GCC transition.  I'd like to understand what I'm doing and do it 
> right the first time.  I'm just an average C++ programmer, not an avid follower 
> of GCC nor even of debian lists.  So below are lots of questions asked out of 
> ignorance.  Please don't shoot the messenger/questioner.  :-)
> Posts here and bug reports reference the wiki page 
> https://wiki.debian.org/GCC5 .  I've read that page and there are a bunch of 
> notes embedded within it that just confuse me:
> 1. "The good news is, that GCC 5 now provides a stable libcxx11 ABI, and 
> stable support for C++11 (GCC version before 5 called this supported 
> experimental). This required some changes in the libstdc++ ABI, and now 
> libstdc++6 provides a dual ABI, the classic libcxx98 ABI, and the new libcxx11 
> (FIXME: GCC 5 (<< 5.1.1-20) only provides the classic libcxx98 ABI)."
> What does the FIXME refer to?  That the correct statement is "The good new is, 
> that GCC 5 (post 5.1.1-20) now provides .."?  Or something else?

removed, left over when I had no gcc-5 package in experimental.

> 2. "libstdc++ doesn't change the soname, provides a dual ABI. Existing C++98 
> binary packages will continue to work. Building these packages using g++-5 is 
> expected to work after build failures are fixed. FIXME: Will they only work 
> when built with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI set to 0? By default they will use the 
> new libstdc++ ABI."
> What's the answer to this FIXME?  What does the last sentence mean?  Does it 
> mean that code built using g++5 by default uses the new libstdc++ ABI?

g++-5 in testing/unstable defaults to the cxx98 ABI (without any choice to use
the new ABI), g++-5 in experimental defaults to the new ABI (with the choice to
use the old one using -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0).

> But if not rebuilt, existing code will use the existing libcxx98 ABI?


> The next 
> paragraph says "GCC 6 is expected to change the c++ standard default ..." -- 
> but doesn't GCC 5 change the standard default already?

No. The compiler still defaults to the c++98 standard.  Apparently the naming of
the ABI's is confusing, upstream now renamed it to "gcc4-compatible" and "new".
Whether this is better ... I don't know.  GCC 5 now provides a libstdc++ which
conforms to the c++11 standard, and the implementation is supposed to provide a
stable ABI.

> 3. "Library packages built using -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 may have an ABI 
> change (unknown yet how many). How to find out about these?"
> What does this mean?  Why would they have an ABI change?  And how do we find 
> out?

GCC upstream marked the c++11 as experimental in pre GCC 5 versions. There is no
guarantee that it worked in the past (however for the majority of transitions in
the past, it worked quiet well).  I assume you'll only find out when something
goes wrong, and you see breakage. For applications, you probably won't notice
after the rebuild, for a library you may do a transition, changing the package name.

> 4. "If the library exports some symbols having either _cxx11 or B5cxx11 in the 
> symbol name, it may be incompatible, if these are symbols which form part of 
> the public API. To find out if these are part of the public API, you would need 
> to build all reverse dependencies and see if any of these new symbols are 
> referenced."
> Being pedantic: isn't that a signal of ABI (rather than API) change?

I didn't call that an API change. I'm just trying to describe where these ABI
changes are relevant to trigger a library transition.

> More 
> importantly: supposing my library does export some such symbols.  Checking 
> reverse deps in Debian is of course helpful: if any are referenced, then we 
> know the interface changed.

this is my understanding.

> (or does it?  what if the reverse-dep uses the 
> symbol itself internally -- might this show a false-positive?)

It's not clear to me what you mean. If a library libfoo has a cxx11 symbol
defined, that is used by an app/reverse-dep, then it is not a false positive.
Just looking at the undefined symbols in the app without sorting out other cxx11
symbols coming from other libraries (e.g. from libstdc++) might lead to false

> But if none 
> are found, can we conclude the interface has NOT changed?  I wouldn't think 
> so: it may simply be that the code in Debian simply doesn't exercise the 
> relevant part of the interface.  If that is the case: how then can one 
> convince themself that there really is no change in interface?

your decision to make. If you think that this will make an ABI change, maybe ask
upstream, and/or change the library name.

> Additionally, there are some places where the text confuses me even without 
> * "Using different libstdc++ ABIs in the same object or in the same library is 
> allowed, as long as you don't try to pass std::list to something expecting 
> std::cxx11::list or vice versa. We should rebuild everything with g++-5 (once 
> it is the default). Using g++-4.9 as a fallback won't be possible in many 
> cases."
> The first sentence doesn't seem connected to the second two sentences.  What 
> does "Using g++-4.9 as a fallback ..." mean?  Why isn't it possible?

> What cases fail?

well, I gave the examples passing list as parameter.

PR66145 also is a case of an unwanted incompatibility.

> * In "Roadmap for libstdc++", it says "Depending on which libstdc++ ABI is 
> configured as default ...".
> What is the plan now?  Which ABI will be default?

see the first sentence of the paragraph. I clarified that the proposal is to do
the GCC defaults change and the ABI change in one step.

> * Section "libstdc++ c++11 incompatibilities (4.9 and 5)" has a short list of 
> incompatibilities.  Is this the complete list or just examples?  

well, these are known incompatibilities. If you find more ...

> * "Passing std::list to something expecting std::cxx11::list or vice versa."
> Is this an incompatibility just regarding C++11 in 4.9 and 5?  What if C++11 
> code (built with GCC5) passes a list to an old library built using the 
> libcxx98 ABI?  Wouldn't that also fail?

yes, my understanding is that this will fail as well, although already when
trying to link that code.


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