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Re: debchange / git-buildpackage: custom version naming

On Tue, 19 May 2015 12:47:45 +0300
Исаев Виталий <isaev@corp.sputnik.ru> wrote:

> Probably a noob question, but I didn't manage to find this
> information anywhere.

Check the developer reference for "native packages". Native means that
the only expected version of the package will be the one in Debian, not
Fedora or Arch and that means that if you change it, you are
maintaining a fork, not just making packaging changes.

> We work on Ubuntu 14.10 and use debchange and
> git-buildpackage (thanks to  Neil Williams 
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2015/05/msg00375.html) as a
> part of packaging process.
> 1.
> For a certain reasons we need to give up default behaviour of
> debchange.
> Here's what our changelogs look like (printed with cuts):
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu8) utopic; urgency=medium

As you actually building these packages on Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn, that
is why your changes have gained this suffix. The package is native, so
the version syntax 0.1.1-1 is not available to you - there would need
to be some mention that the changes you are making are outside the
changes made in the native version.

As you aren't presumably part of the Debian packaging team maintaining
this native package and not expecting to push those changes into the
Debian package, 0.1.2 isn't available either. (Otherwise, how would you
tell the difference between your 0.1.2 and the next upload to Debian?)

>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu7) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu6) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu5) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu4) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu3) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu2) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
>     project-name (0.1.1) unstable; urgency=low
> Every record (excepting the earliest one) were made with an `dch -i` 
> command. The problem is in "ubuntu" keyword which is appended to the 
> every new version. We would like to have a simple build number there 
> instead of "ubuntu" + build number. `dch -i --vendor=" "` doesn't
> help here.
> 2.
> If behaviour of debchange cannot be changed, it would be suitable at 
> least to use custom tag format (without "ubuntu") when tagging the
> repo with the following command:
>     gbp buildpackage --git-builder="debuild -uc -us -j4"
>          --git-debian-tag="%(version)s" --git-ignore-new --git-tag
>     --git-posttag="git push && git push --tags"
> I didn't find any information about the metavariables that 
> --git-debian-tag can take. This fills our repo with a tonns of long
> tags (like "0.1.1ubuntu1"), but "ubuntu" makes no sense, because
> we're packaging only for this distro.

Except you're not, not quite. You are packaging a modified version of a
native package and you are modifying it in ways that (presumably) are
not going to be included into the 0.1.2 release of the native package
in Debian. So you are maintaining a fork of a native package - you
branched at version 0.1.1 and the changes you make will have to be
ported to 0.1.2 if and when that gets released for Debian.

If these changes were done in Debian, you'd get something like
0.1.1+nmu1 as the version string. (see packages like svn-buildpackage
as an example, current version 0.8.5+nmu1)


Neil Williams

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