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Re: httpredir.debian.org, your mirrors redirector


First of all, thanks for your work!

I  tried to  use  http.debian.net  instead of  my  local mirror,  namely
http://ftp.jp.debian.org, last  year and it  was redirecting me  to much
mirrors not in  Japan (Taiwan or Korea).   I sent 2 emails  to you about
that but never got any reply so not sure if you actually got them.

Anyhow, I  tried again today  with httpredir.debian.org and I  still get
the same issue (after reloading,  I sometimes get ftp.kr.debian.org, but
never a mirror in Japan anyway):

  Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=97
  Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 01:25:12 GMT
  X-Continent: AS
  X-Match-Type: nearby-continent
  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  X-Population: 14
  X-Region: 40
  Connection: Keep-Alive
  X-City: Tokyo
  Pragma: no-cache
  X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
  X-Distance: 123.9931
  Server: Apache
  X-Closest-Distance: 122.2145
  X-Country: JP
  X-AS: 2497
  Cache-Control: no-cache
  X-Std-Dev: 5.98425116451507
  Link: <http://mirror.as43289.net/debian/>; rel=duplicate; pri=12221; depth=0, <http://debian.org.ua/debian/>; rel=duplicate; pri=12399; depth=0

So  I tried  to clone  http-redirector and  after running  update.sh and
local-request.pl here is what I got:

  200 OK
  Cache-Control: no-cache
  Pragma: no-cache
  Link: <http://ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp/debian/>; rel=duplicate; pri=7; depth=0, <http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/debian/>; rel=duplicate; pri=7; depth=0, <http://dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org/debian/>; rel=duplicate; pri=7; depth=0, <http://dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org/debian/>; rel=duplicate; pri=7; depth=0
  X-AS: 2497
  X-City: Tokyo
  X-Closest-Distance: 0.0663999999999874
  X-Continent: AS
  X-Country: JP
  X-Distance: 0.0663999999999874
  X-Match-Type: country
  X-Population: 6
  X-Region: 40
  X-Std-Dev: 0.348600057372342

So everything seems alright from  http-redirector. I also made sure that
the mirrors returned by local-request.pl  are part of the Debian mirrors
network,  are   up-to-date  and   that  /debian/project/trace/mirror.tld
exists. Same problem happens when testing from another server in Japan.

I'm not sure why it does not work though, probably an server-side issue,
any idea?

Arnaud Fontaine

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