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Re: debian github organization ?

On Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:03:12 +1000
Ben Finney <ben+debian@benfinney.id.au> wrote:

> Paul Tagliamonte <paultag@debian.org> writes:
> > So, yes, it's nonfree. Yes, it's controlled by DDs. No, I don't
> > think this should be the Vcs-Git: target. No, I don't think we
> > should endorse GitHub. Yes, we need free tools. Yes, we should
> > contribute to the F/OSS community where upstreams are.
> That last part seems to deny the D in DVCS. Why are we under such
> pressure to use one particular centralised service?

I don't see the problem when it is used as just one remote amongst many.

People like the github interface. That is unarguable. It does not
matter one jot that some people don't like github for this reason or
that. There are people (quite large numbers of people) who expect to
find stuff on github and who prefer the UI.

Having github as one of my remotes is extremely helpful.

As Paul mentioned, I also prefer to *not* have my github remotes
"locked-away" under a personal moniker as that makes it harder to add
new admins etc. and it is project admins on github which make the whole
point of github actually work.

> Upstream is using a decentralised VCS, it seems a little condescending
> to assume they are incapable of using it.

That makes no sense at all. Upstream have their own git source but that
is optimised to their needs (particular code review, access lists which
need *everyone* to have yet another web account etc.)

Nobody wants to have a hundred web accounts for every possible
distributed VCS server. So having a few which act as mirrors for the
plethora of local ones brings advantages that people are actually able
to interact using a common UI.

I have very little on github which is not simply a mirror of the
primary git source used by upstream - but that is precisely the point.
I'm using github (and now github.com/debian) precisely because the code
is in a DVCS because github allows me to offer the one UI that most
contributors seem to prefer at no cost to me, except maybe an extra
"git push" command.

Alioth cannot be another github, random other upstreams cannot be
another github. Sourceforge .... well, just no really.

Github is exactly that - a hub. Use it to push the code out from within
the access constraints of a typical upstream project. It's easy for
others to work with your code that way.


Neil Williams

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