Re: Work-needing packages report for Mar 27, 2015
Fabian Greffrath, le Tue 31 Mar 2015 10:30:31 +0200, a écrit :
> > For the following packages help is requested:
> > [... massive package list ...]
> is the list of packages that usually follows this line still useful for
> anybody? I mean, there are packages in it like e.g. grub2 for which help
> was "requested 3972 days ago"; that's more than a decade, folks! And
> still, the grub2 package is updated regularly and seems to be in a
> rather healthy and well-maintained state from my personal perception.
>From my perception it's not, and grub2 would welcome help, see the
lengthy bug list. For a package of this importance, this is worrying.
> If a package is still in a bad situation after this period of
> time, it may reapply for the list or should maybe get removed from
> testing. What do you say?
It'd mean removing a lot of base packages from testing (libreoffice,
cups, php5, openssl, openldap, etc.). AIUI they do need help.
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