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Getting multiarch fixes unstuck

About a month ago I sent fixes to make a bunch of packages multiarch 
compatible. However, except for two packages, none of the 20 packages 
have included the proposed fix, or commented on them, requested 
improvements, or given any sign of life.

What can I do to help move things forward?

Here are the relevant bugs:

#689068 - libxi-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
#689089 - libglu1-mesa-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
#689124 - libatk1.0-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
#724934 - Please convert libmodplug to multiarch
#777070 - libgme0 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777200 - libcdaudio1 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777202 - libzbar0 is not Multi-Arch compatible
          -> Also fixes a build dependency.
#777203 - libofa0 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777207 - libmimic0 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777209 - libkate1 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777210 - liba52-0.7.4: liba52-0.7.4 is not Multi-Arch compatible
          -> Introduces an xxx-tools package to solve a multiarch issue.
#777211 - libgtkglext1 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777223 - libtwolame0 is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777224 - libsidplay1 is not Multi-Arch compatible

In particular the patch below proposes to fix a multiarch issue by 
dropping the -L option from the xxx-config script as it's not needed on 
Debian. I would really like to know whether that approach is ok (or why 

#760370 - libpcap0.8-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible

I also submitted patches to the following packages. Those are not 
complete multiarch fixes in that they don't fix all the issues 
preventing full multiarch compatibility. But they do fix at least one 
aspect which makes it easier to then focus on the remaining issues.

#689097 - libgtk2.0-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
#689122 - libcairo2-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
#777222 - libcdio13 is not Multi-Arch compatible

Francois Gouget <fgouget@free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
           Vote Electronique: Les gens qui votent ne décident rien.
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