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Re: so long and thanks for all the fish

Joey Hess dijo [Fri, Nov 07, 2014 at 05:04:10PM -0400]:
> It's become abundantly clear that this is no longer the project I
> originally joined in 1996. We've made some good things, and I wish
> everyone well, but I'm out.

How can the Master Fisherman thank us for all the fish?

Yes, pulling the fish out has been a collective work so far. But your
work has been so inspiring and so helpful to the project as a whole
that there is no way not to miss you.

There is no way not to look up to your example, being one of the most
prolific and technically diverse people I have had the pleasure of
knowing, and being socially intelligent enough to stay clear of

Best luck in all your future projects, Joey. It has been a pleasuuure
being in the same boat as you for the past eleven years. I hope we
cross paths again in the future.

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