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Re: Can/should we have an efi/efi-any platform architecture?

+++ Sebastian Reichel [2014-12-11 21:25 +0100]:
> Hi,
> How about building for "arch: any" and adding a build dependency
> on a new "efi-support" package, that is only available for
> architectures with efi available?

That is a sensible suggestion. It keeps the ecosystem of 'efi stuff'
more self-contained than involving dpkg. If it was expected to change
frequently this would probably work better in practice.

However it does leave the depending packages listed as
'BD-uninstallable' on the non-efi architectures, which gives the
impression that one day they _should_ appear, which is not really the
case here.

efi-any (as an architecture group) would correctly list things as
'not-for-us' on the unsupported architecture.

Not a huge practical difference, but suggests to me that efi-any as an
architecture-group is a better fit.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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