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Re: bash without importing shell functions from the environment

On Thu, 25 Sep 2014, shawn wilson wrote:

> In that case, I'd think busybox's sh is *much* more minimalist. Why dash
> over busybox?

There is something called bugs. The busybox implementation
is artificially limited. Also, it uses the busybox common
code, which makes its codebase rather large.

The smallest somewhat self-contained shell is probably the
dash binary from klibc, but it only exists on linux-any.

That being said, there’s another compact, portable shell with
good security properties around…

… but anyway, if bash leaves Essential, I can just replace
dash with mksh locally anyway… goal achieved just the same.
(Modulo the APT bug that makes it not want to install my
replacement package.)

15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-)

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