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RE: Multi-codename Debian archives: how to uniquify packages?

John Morris wrote:

>I'm setting up a Debian package archive to contain packages that must be
>built separately for wheezy and jessie.
>Is there a Debian convention for adding the codename to the package
>version to prevent conflicting package file names? I found
>documentation of such a convention for Ubuntu, where e.g. '~precise1' is
>appended to the version, but that looks peculiar to Ubuntu. What do we
>do in Debian?

Besides our migration path unstable -> testing, in which version numbers
stay the same; Yes, we do similar if we want to have the same package
version in unstable/testing (sid/jessie), stable- (wheezy) and
oldstable-backports (squeeze). Usually for official backports we use

~bpo60+X (Squeeze)
~bpo70+X (Wheezy)

For my private repository I did similar. To not conflict with official Debian
package versions you might consider using version numbers with a prefix, like
x.y-0.1~prefix~bpo70+z or some similar solution.

Regards, Daniel

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