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Re: Bug#749099: ITP: conv -- Simple ASCII,binary,decimal,hex converter

Em 24-05-2014 03:17, Tollef Fog Heen escreveu:
> How is this different from i(1) in the iprint package?
Hello to all,

The purpose is the same iprint. The difference is that it allows you to
choose the conversion option.

Usage: conv [mode] arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

- Binary to decimal b2d
- B2h Binary to hexadecimal
- Binary to ASCII b2a

- d2b Decimal to binary
- D2H Decimal to hexadecimal
- d2a Decimal to ASCII

- h2b Hexadecimal to binary
- Hexadecimal to decimal H2D
- h2a Hexadecimal to ASCII

- ASCII to binary a2b
- a2d to decimal ASCII
- A2H ASCII to hexadecimal

-h - help Print this help
-i - info Print information about program

Ie you can only get the result you want. What can be more useful
depending on the situation and need.

Marcio de Souza Oliveira
LPIC 1 - Linux Professional Institute
Novell Certified Linux Administrator
Novell Data Center Technical Specialist (DCT)
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