Re: systemd - getting started?
"Iain R. Learmonth" <> writes:
> Things I'd like to see are:
> * A systemd primer (like what is a service file?)
> * Packaging documentation for systemd (some has been started [1])
> * How to hack together a service (this is something I did quite a lot
> for homebrew scripts on servers)
> There are probably other things that others would like to see too.
> I can see a lot of enthusiastic systemd supporters on the list,
I'm not quite sure I qualify as one :)
But I'd still like to recommend Neil Brown's excellent article series on
You'll have to subscribe to read those now (or wait). But I assume the
Debian developers group subscription still applies? Ref
I'm not a DD, so I cannot verify that... Anyway, LWN is certainly worth
paying for, even if you're not going to use systemd :-)
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