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Re: Proposal: SystemD.pushers/forcers be physically beaten as revenge.

On 02/11/2014 11:46 AM, Maas Verri wrote:
> Proposal: SystemD pushers/forcers be physically beaten as revenge.
> The people, such as Adrian, who are pushing systemd as the one
> and only init system for debian should be physically harmed.

Are you aware that saying "let's physically beat systemd pushers"
has the same weight than "excuse me, but I do not agree because of
blah", or possibly even less? You're barely doing something
useful (if anything *at all*).

After comments like that, this is simple: nobody will change their
decisions (for whatever init system) after a comment of yours now
because you have just shown you are nothing but a troll and can't be
taken seriously. Most will just ignore you now.

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