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Re: Re: Upstart support for LSB headers (Two line init.d scripts? Sure, that will work!)

> I'm pointing out why $all doesn't do what you want.

It's exactly what I want.

> «$all» means «after everything else has started» and if you
> have two of those

You have a bug.  Yes, some packages abuse $all, I admit this,
but not all of them (e.g. monit).

> In your particular case (and sysvinit), I'd say the admin should just
> add dependencies on the monit script for the monitored services since I
> don't think sysvinit support dynamically generating those dependencies
> on boot. (If it does, I'm sure somebody will chime in with how to do it
> for sysvinit.)

AFAIK, this can be done with /etc/insserv/overrides/
That is not a problem *for human* to add a file
in /etc/insserv/overrides/ and override monit's LSB-headers.

> With systemd, I'd say a generator that adds After+Wants:

The problem is not the mechanisms, like after+wants, not the
output format for this generator (systemd stuff or
LSB-headers) - but the generator itself.

So, I don't buy this "solution", sorry.

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