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Re: alternative debian/rules

Guillem Jover <guillem <at> debian.org> writes:

> Thorsten, OTOH the deb format has supported GNU ar generated archives
> for a very long time, it's documented in the man page. So while using

Right. I’ve been building for sarge and dapper occasionally, and
etch and hardy regularily, and supporting roughly a hundred company
desktops on hardy, while building the packages. Many of my packages
were done in a personal repository first and then introduced to
Debian proper (often with changes, although I tend to follow Policy
as much as possible/reasonable even in my personal repos), and until
only some weeks ago, I did in fact do active backports to *at least*
lenny for all of my stuff and some stuff from Debian.

So I try to be a bit more compatible. Of course, Debian proper builds
in sid, and maintainer script and dependency stuff for older than
oldstable is generally cleaned up, but that doesn’t prevent me from
keeping things in or at least making it easy to backport.

Oh well: the APT tools to preconfigure packages in hardy could not
deal with SYSV ar archives. Thus.

> GNU ar to build deb:s should be generally discouraged when there's
> dpkg-deb around, it should also be considered a supported action.

Okay. But that doesn’t make using pax to build them unsupported;
rather, it’s better than ELF GNU ar…

People have said they like the “dogfooding” aspect of using pax to
build the pax .deb though – and that was part of the intention. For
mksh it was an experiment (whether I could get one of the d-ports
to build it), which failed in the end (though I could get responses
by approaching the porters directly), so I don’t have a reason to
not use dpkg-deb there (although I’m still somewhat angry about the
rest of the things; mksh and pax are no longer officially cross-
buildable since the forced switch to debhelper).

So, in the end, I agree on some of the things and would probably
have willingly changed them, but using debhelper just for the sake
of using a helper, and the tone (and threat to RM), *and* being
singled out, sit sour.


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