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not really vaporware but almost (Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports


On Samstag, 20. Juli 2013, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> The problem isn't that OpenRC isn't fit. The problem is that *NONE* of
> the projects are fitting *ALL* of our requirements. All of the 3
> solutions have problems. 

so, there is systemd and there is upstart. what is the 3rd solution?

After having read http://wiki.debian.org/OpenRC  and looking at  the 
packaging, I would like you to stop speaking about openrc for Debian as if 
(In case you curious, read the paragraph labeled "Compile Out OpenRC" on that 
wiki page and clone git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/openrc.git and read 

So pleeeeeease, stop hyping something which is not even remotely ready, until 
it at least is installable with "git clone && debuild" or better yet, until it 
passed NEW. 

Oh, and there should also be a sane way to remove openrc after trying it. 
Restoring from backup is not such a way.

	Holger, who thinks the 3rd solution must by SysV-init

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