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Re: Bug#708566: library -dev naming policy encourages unnecessary transitions


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 07:33:43PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> writes:
> > Perhaps, but I think we just lack better documentation and advice when
> > it comes to shared library handling in general.
> > There was an attempt by Junichi Uekawa (CCed) some time ago [L], but
> > AFAIR some people shunned it because supposedly it contained inaccuracies
> > or suboptimal advice (I've to confess I never reviewed it). IMO these
> > should have been corrected instead of trying to banish it from Debian.
> > I think something like that should be revived, reviewed and subsumed
> > into the policy manual or the devref.
> > [L] <http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html>
> I'm wholeheartedly in favor of this, and even had some thoughts from time
> to time about helping with (or adopting) that guide and rolling it into
> Policy.  But I haven't been doing a very good job finding time for Debian
> things lately.  I'd love to see someone take this on.

I admit I do not feel qualified for this job but separation between
policy and library packaging guide made never any sense to me.  I'd like
to add that the use of d-shlibs (which implements library packaging
guide) is way less frequently than it should be IMHO.

Kind regards



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