Re: Candidates for removal from testing
On 2012-10-19 17:43, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:32:39AM +0200, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> We are considering removing the following packages from testing as
>> they have unfixed RC bugs filed against them. The packages can be
>> found in the attached dd-list. The bugs that put them on this list
>> can be found in the removals file (also attached) just above the
>> package name.
> [...]
> Shouldn't this have gone to debian-devel-announce instead?
We have been using d-d for these mails every since we introduced
them[0][1], so the destination was intentionally d-d.
That said, I do not (personally) have any strong feelings for or
against using d-d-a given the current rate at which we produce these
lists. However, it is my understanding that we intended to do them
vastly more frequently than we are now[2].
If you are concerned about people not being subscribed to d-d getting
their packages removed, then I have (despite not adding it to the
original mail) Bcc'ed $ So the maintainers
should have gotten the heads up[3].
On the other hand, if you were missing something like "Bits from the RT"
then you are probably right. I think we have been pretty much drowning
in unblocks and haven't had time to do a bits mail.
[2] The original mail[0] even go so far to suggest "daily". I am not
certain that will happen with the current level of manual
work/filtering. However, weekly or bi-weekly is not out of the question.
[3] Though, 4 team lists put my mail in the "needs moderator approval"
(for various reasons), so I hope their list moderators are not too
inactive. :)
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