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Re: Can you believe it? The Debian website has a new layout!

* Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org> [2011-02-06 15:53:55 CET]:
>         Hi!
>  This might be awkward, seeing a reply mail on debian-devel-announce,
> but actually this response deserves to be in the broader public.

 ... so much for trying it. ;)  And actually it makes sense. Though,
debian-devel is just as good, I'll try to remember this special setup
next time.

"What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private
 information on corporations to you for free, and I'm a villain.
 Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and
 he's Man of the Year."         -- Julian Assange

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