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Debian Edu/Skolelinux 6.0.3 beta1 test release


I am happy to finally announce "Debian Edu Squeeze 6.0.3 beta1"!

Complete download and installation instructions are available at 

Read the "Getting Started" chapter of the manual to learn how to login for the 
first time: 

Please file bugs on any issues you find, and (probably somewhat additionally) 
also mention those bugs and issues on our status page at 

Also be aware: From February 2012, Debian Lenny will not receive security 
updates anymore. So by then, Debian Edu Squeeze _should_ be available as an 
upgrade option as well as for new installations! In other words: we have work 
to do. Now!

But please bear in mind, that there will be _nobody_ fixing bugs, writing 
documentation, doing translations or doing any other work - unless *you* do 

Testing and giving feedback to debian-edu@lists.debian.org or #debian-edu on 
irc.debian.org is a very good way to start contributing! Act now :-D

If you can do more, give the manual some love. It needs it.


Changes compared to alpha0, alpha1 and lenny version

    * Everything that's new in Squeeze compared to Lenny 
	see http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/releasenotes for a full list
          o linux 2.6.32, kde4, ... 
    * GOsa² implementation fully replaces the formerly used LDAP
		administration tool lwat
          o User and group management
          o Host management, including DHCP/DNS
          o NIS netgroup management 
    * Kerberized user authentication
    * NFSv4 instead of NFSv3
    * Samba NT4 domain integration, support for Windows XP/Vista/7 as 
	Windows clients in a SKOLELINUX Samba domain
    * New Debian Edu artwork
    * (... to be continued ...) 

The following features are not working as they should

    * Installation of GNOME or LXDE desktop from DVD/CD-netinst 
	(issue #641223)
    * Kerberizos is not properly initialised, thus breaking nfs+samba. 

To download this multiarch netinstall CD release you can use

    * ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-
    * http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-
    * rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-

To download this multiarch DVD release you can use

    * ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-
    * http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-
    * rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-

There is no source DVD available yet.

You can also download using one of the Skolelinux mirrors.

    * ftp://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/skolelinux/skolelinux-cd/
    * http://mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/skolelinux/ 

The MD5SUM of these images are:

    * f183228f11334f2696f1568ac8774581 debian-edu-6.0.3+edub1-CD.iso
    * 7d8ab5e9fad284e7ccf2de65258bf208 debian-edu-6.0.3+edub1-DVD.iso 

The SHA1SUM of these images are:

    * 6ee68592e85418090382a56e16bfe87efa0b18e5 debian-edu-6.0.3+edub1-CD.iso            
    * e017c2291d2a8997e5ac22f128668b3058e270ba debian-edu-6.0.3+edub1-DVD.iso 

These sums are also available GPG signed at 

How to report bugs: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/ReportBugs

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