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Re: Debconf syntax error message that I don't understand

Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> wrote:

> Your script is setting IFS=","

Yes, indeed.

> All you need to do to fix it in your script though is to restore IFS
> before you start talking to debconf.

Doesn't work, unfortunately:

  # now get rid of the commas by assigning to the positional parameters
  set -x
  IFS=', '
  set $ListOfBinariesToUseLibpaper

  for binary in "$@"; do
    if texconfig-sys $binary paper $LibpaperPaper; then
      # all is well
      db_subst texlive-base/texconfig_ignorant binary "$binary"

Results in

+ OLD_IFS= 	

+ IFS=, 
+ set pdftex dvips dvipdfmx xdvi
+ IFS=
+ texconfig-sys pdftex paper Monarch
debconf (developer): <-- X_LOADTEMPLATEFILE /var/lib/dpkg/info/ucf.templates ucf
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- X_LOADTEMPLATEFILE /var/lib/dpkg/info/ucf.templates ucf
debconf (developer): --> 0
+ :
+ texconfig-sys dvips paper Monarch
debconf (developer): <-- X_LOADTEMPLATEFILE /var/lib/dpkg/info/ucf.templates ucf
debconf (developer): --> 0
+ :
+ texconfig-sys dvipdfmx paper Monarch
texconfig: unknown PAPER `Monarch' given as argument for `texconfig dvipdfmx paper'
texconfig: try `texconfig dvipdfmx paper' for help
+ db_subst texlive-base/texconfig_ignorant binary dvipdfmx
+ _db_cmd SUBST texlive-base/texconfig_ignorant binary dvipdfmx
+ IFS=  printf %s\n SUBST texlive-base/texconfig_ignorantbinarydvipdfmx
+ IFS=
 read -r _db_internal_line
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST texlive-base/texconfig_ignorantbinarydvipdfmx
debconf (developer): --> 20 Incorrect number of arguments
+ RET=20 Incorrect number of arguments
+ return 20
dpkg: error processing texlive-base (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 20
Errors were encountered while processing:


  IFS=' '

it works, but that doesn't look right?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Sprecher B90/Grüne OV Miltenberg und Umgebung
VCD Miltenberg, ADFC Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg
Debian Developer (TeXLive)

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