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Re: Please reconsider public vcs naming on alioth

]] "Bernhard R. Link" 

| - a host offering git:// protocoll
| - a host offering public access to git repositories over http://
| - a host offering a web view of git repositories.
| With the new alioth setup all those three are the same host as
| far as I do understand it, to it is utterly unintuitive to have
| none of those functions under the name git.debian.org but instead
| the host storing the data and offering ssh access. [1]

git.d.o does offer git://.  It also does redirect to the right host for
pulling via HTTP and viewing repositories when accessed via HTTP.

| With all due respect to the great work you do maintaining alioth
| and understanding that after such a big transition it can be
| annoying to have to change things again I really want to urge
| you to change that again.

That means you can no longer commit to git.d.o, so you'll have to use
git-commit.d.o or something similar for pushes.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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