Re: Bits from the Release Team - Kicking off Wheezy
On Friday 29 April 2011 11:46:30 Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 29/04/11 at 10:23 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > 2. In the past there used to be two rather opposites use-cases of
> > testing: some (luckely more than just the release team) see it as a tool
> > to develop stable. Others see it (mostly) as a usable distribution.
> > I'm unconvinced that splitting testing into rolling+testing will benefit
> > both use cases. (And I think this is shared rather widely in this
> > thread.)
> I think that the proposal is to:
> - rename 'testing' to 'rolling' to make it clear that it's usable as a
> rolling release
It is also possible that a 'rename' brings no more value, but a confusion to
the users for unpredictable amount of time.
> - add a new 'frozen' suite, used only during freezes, to prepare the
> next stable release
So, if I need to fix an RC bug during the freeze, I'll upload to unstable, then
release managers wait for it to enter rolling and cherry-pick it from there;
or do they cherry-pick directly from unstable, skipping rolling;
or do they cherry-pick from as they find fit in a mixed fashion.
I can see that you struggle to find a solution, which is good, but all these
additions of levels started to look like a joke, eventually wasting both
astronomic, human and machine time.
pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB <>
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