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Re: Shipping /bin/sh [Re: Moving bash from essential/required to important?]

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 02:18:49AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> - The rules for essential packages must remain fulfilled on upgrades
> without this script being executed. The bootstrap script is never
> executed if the system was installed from a version predating the
> "bootstrap" script in the package.

This is already clear in the policy.

> - It must be called before any maintainer script of any package other
> than the "bootstrap" script is called.


> - It must not execute other scripts or executables in the new root.

Okay, that is enough.

> > For now two packages will get such a script:

I missed dpkg. At least cdebootstrap still inits files in /var/lib/dpkg.

> Here I think we can go one of two ways:
> 2) "bootstrap" scripts are only executed after the owners (Pre-)Depends
> have been unpacked. This would allow base-files to setup the links based
> on available packages and some internal preference list. In this
> scenario I think base-files should set up /bin/sh and /usr/bin/awk and
> gain a Pre-Depends: system-shell.

This will work now. But needs a lot of work to move the system-shell
name later to another package.


Oh, that sound of male ego.  You travel halfway across the galaxy and
it's still the same song.
		-- Eve McHuron, "Mudd's Women", stardate 1330.1

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