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Re: potential MBF: first alternate depends not available in main

"Bernhard R. Link" <brlink@debian.org> writes:

> * Goswin von Brederlow <goswin-v-b@web.de> [110318 14:38]:
>> And as long as it works I see no reason why a maintainer should not be
>> allowed to put the non-free dep first in alternatives if there is a good
>> reason.
> Debian makes some promises to users. Suprisingly getting non-free
> software installed is definitely nothing a maintainer alone should
> be able to decide.
>> Like say: In 10+ years I have never ever seen a single rar file
>> unrar-free could unpack but thousands that needed unrar/rar.
> If that was true then unrar-free should be dropped and everything
> depending on it be removed, too, or moved to contrib.
> Or did you want to say "only unrar-free could unpack"?
> 	Bernhard R. Link
> P.S: This whole discussion about rar makes me so nostalgic about the
> BBS times and the early 90ties.

No, I truely mean that unrar-free is practically useless. The stoneage
rar formats it suports have not been in general use for many years.


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