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Re: binNMU for Arch: all packages.

Le 15/01/2011 18:22, Steve Langasek a écrit :
[...] and require us to use a hackish (>= ), (<<  )
construction for all arch:any ->  arch:all dependencies just as we already
have to do for arch:all ->  arch:any dependencies.

This is as "wrong" as adding artificial versioned build-dependencies, as is often the case when you are "simulating" a binNMU with a sourceful upload in the middle of a transition.

Building "manually" the binNMUed arch:all package at the right time, and uploading it would achieve a better result, IMHO. And then, all the arch:any packages (if any) can be binNMUed on the buildds as usual, with explicit dep-waits, without touching the source package.

One way to handle the substvar issue (which would be more correct to me) is to add the possibility to specify a version constraint modulo binNMU. So that Julien's example of [1] would look like:

Package: foo
Architecture: all

Package: bar
Architecture: any
Depends: foo (~= ${source:Version})

(if we choose ~= to denote version equality modulo binNMU). In terms of implementation, it is conceptually similar to depending on a virtual package that is provided by the corresponding binary with the same source version.

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/01/msg00480.html



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