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Re: Debian participating in Google Code-in 2010, we need your help!

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Lucas Nussbaum
<lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
> Dear Arthur and Ana,
> On 23/11/10 at 00:31 +0100, Ana Guerrero wrote:
>> You can watch the list of Debian tasks at:
>> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/program/list_tasks/google/gci2010
>> (You will need to filter by Organization: Debian)
> So, apparently someone (I assume Arthur based on the wiki log) decided
> to add a task listing me as a contact, without even talking to me about
> it before:
> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/debian/t128985930296
> I already got an email from a participant asking for help, which I
> replied with "I don't know what you are talking about".
> I'm very annoyed by this. Please fix it ASAP by removing me from
> the "Contact" for this task, and stop referring people to me.

This is getting very annoying.

I didn't suggest the UDD task subject, I merely uploaded it to Melange.
I'm not going to name who came up with it as some consider it's some
kind of felony, but he can come forward.
I never assigned you as mentor. If you went to look up the task
details on Melange, you'd see that I am named as mentor.

The only reason the student who claimed the task contacted you is
because your name is kind of all over the place on webpages related to
If you consider being contacted about UDD or having having people
contribute around UDD a nuisance, then fine. I'll just cancel the task
and refrain from accepting any other.

> Also, I see you submitted quite a lot of tasks on behalf of the Debian
> QA team. I was not pinged about it, which is fine (I'm not supposed to
> know everything about QA), but I hope you have had some contacts with
> someone in the QA team that is ready to answer questions.
> And in the future, please refrain from making actions on behalf of other
> DDs without their prior approval.

What kind of bureaucratic dystopia is this?


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