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Re: Problem with gfortran and pkg-config

]] Alastair McKinstry 

| Which is wrong, gfortran not reading /usr/include by default, or
| pkg-config for removing /usr/include from CFLAGS ?

Either stop shipping non-C header files in /usr/include (aka, move the
.mod file) or fix gfortran to look in /usr/include by default.  If
there's a default location that gfortran does look in, please file a bug
report on pkg-config asking that to be stripped by default as well.

The reason for stripping -I<any standard include path> is so you can
have in-tree include files that get included correctly even if their
names overlap the files in /usr/include.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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