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Re: Invite to join the Release Team


[CC/M-F-T -release@ set, don't see why this needs to be on -devel]

Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org> writes:
> I do not really know what you are talking about, but I do not
> want the kids on the playground calling me a coward, so you
> clearly have given me no choice but to accept your offer.
> Unless you want me to go through some kind of initiation,
> join your secret cabal channels, and do things the way you
> think is best, that is.  I doubt I could live with myself if
> I did that.

OK, I'm not sure how much of that is an actual offer, but I would be
happy to accept any help you can give. Do you have any ideas how you
could help the release team, or, in a more general way, the release?

BOFH #65:
system needs to be rebooted

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