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Re: Bits from the NM people

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 02:26:55PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

> GPG keysigning coordination
> ---------------------------
> FD/DAM would like to to move the GPG keysiging coordination over to
> someone else. It's not really part of FrontDesk work; and as we are
> rewriting the webpage anyhow we feel this is a right time to move it
> over to someone else and not make it part of the new page. Volunteers to
> pick up this job are welcome. 

GPG keysigning coordination is since a long time done by a small
group of people independendent from FrontDesk. Currently this is
basically me, with an offer from Patrick Schoenfeld to help. In 
the past tbm and Luk have been part of that team.

I agree that the infrastructure could (and should) be independent
of the rest of nm. Which doesn't mean that I volunteer to implement
it ...


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