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Re: dir-or-file-in-var-www on single-HTML file web "apps" or the like

Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> Reading ?5.3 of the above link, I wonder whether the following solution
> would be appropriate:
> - ship under /etc/apache2/conf.d/ a snippet with an Alias dir mapping
>   the package name to a dir containing the static content (a single html
>   file, usually)
> - add an index.html -> file.html symlink in that dir

We have webservers other than Apache.

% aptitude search -F %p '~Phttpd'|wc -l

Only 4 of those are Apache. apache2-mpm-(event|itk|prefork|worker)

John H. Robinson, IV          jaqque@debian.org
                                                                 http  ((((
WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above,         sbih.org ( )(:[
as apparently my cats have learned how to type.          spiders.html  ((((

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