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Re: /var/www is depracated, which directory to use?

Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> writes:

> http://lintian.debian.org/tags/dir-or-file-in-var-www.html nor
> debian-policy is helpful to resolve this issue - so I would like to
> discuss this here and come up with a good solution.
> Suggestions?

No package may touch /srv, but we could perhahs recommend its usage in
documentation or examples.

The package should generate html and graphs somewhere in /var/lib/munin,
possibly /var/lib/munin/html, and provide configuration examples for the
most common web servers.

A possible conflict:

Munin uses /var/lib/munin as the root of its dbdir, and if someone makes
a "html" domain for web servers, confusion may occur, as that directory
will store both the RRD files for that domain, as well as the generated

Moving old data:

There should be no need to move old data.  munin-graph should re-create
missing graphs on the first run.  munin-html updates all web pages every

We'll add a notice to NEWS.Debian:

,----[ NEWS.Debian ]
| The munin web root default location has moved from /var/www/munin to
| /var/lib/munin/html.  To do this manually, you can:
| * Update "htmldir" in /etc/munin/munin.conf to point to
|   /var/lib/munin/html.
| * Add configuration to your web server, see fragments in
|   /usr/share/doc/munin/examples for your web server
| * Remove /var/www/munin when convenient.

Configuration examples for common web servers:

The following configuration fragments could be placed in

This is for apache httpd.  Add to /etc/apache2/conf.d/ to cover all
virtual hosts, or include in a virtual host:

,----[ /etc/apache2/conf.d/munin.conf ]
| Alias /munin /var/lib/munin/html
| <Directory /var/lib/munin/html>
|         Order allow,deny
|         Allow from localhost ::1
|         Options None
| </Directory>

For nginx, you will have to add the following to an existing

nginx in sid has ipv6 support, and this was enabled in the upload
yesterday, I guess an extra "allow ::1;" (or "allow [::1];") would do
the trick.

,----[ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ]
| location /munin {
|         alias /var/lib/munin/html;
|         allow;
|         deny all;
| }

For lighttpd, we need something like the following.  Note that this acl
example may not work with IPv6 enabled, since lighttpd does not do
subnet matching on IPv6 (http://redmine.lighttpd.net/issues/385)

,----[ /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/munin.conf ]
| alias.url += ( "/munin" => "/var/lib/munin/html" )
| $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/munin" {
|   $HTTP["remoteip"] != "" {
|     url.access-deny = ( "" )
|   }
| }

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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