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Re: /var/www is depracated, which directory to use?

Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> writes:

> currently munin ships some file(s) in /var/www/munin/ and also puts its
> generated graphs there. This location has been depracted and we, the
> munin maintainers, would like to come up with a new location for
> squeeze.

> The way I read 
> http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#SRVDATAFORSERVICESPROVIDEDBYSYSTEM  
> /srv/munin would be the proper location for our purpose, but I know that some 
> people disagree, claiming that /srv is only to be used by the local admins.

> As I read it, no package should remove files there, but placing files there 
> should be fine. What's more important, I don't see which location is better 
> suited.

My recommendation would be for it to install its static files in
/usr/share/munin, put its generated graphs in /var/lib/munin, and provide
example configuration for common web servers such as Apache that explain
how to serve out the appropriate files.

I personally do not believe that serving anything from a package via the
web by default is a good goal.  Certainly for my systems, any system
that's running a web server has a virtual host configuration and anything
that packages try to do to control what my web server serves out is broken
and undesireable.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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