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Re: responsibility for iptables bug

LB> Prey tell, what is wrong with maintainers of for example iptables,
LB> providing a conffile with samples (which may even be commented out)
LB> which they can reference to in their documentation, where they
LB> comment on the different settings?

LB> This is what we do with /etc/sysctl.conf today. And I still think a
LB> wishlist bug against iptables is appropriate and would have helped
LB> Jidanni, had it existed.

It would have not likely helped me, Jidanni, as I just use cookie cutter
recipes, and all I know is I need to update this recipe I got from

iptables -F; iptables -X; iptables -N b
iptables -A b -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A b -m state --state NEW ! -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A b -j LOG -m limit; iptables -A b -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j b; iptables -A FORWARD -j b

so it stops causing warning messages. Or, the iptables man page needs to
mention the additional steps one needs to do when using certain
keywords, or else there is a clear bug in the man page: you use what it
offers, and you end up getting error messages.

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