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RFC round 5: DEP-3: Patch Tagging Guidelines


I made some last changes to the DEP following round 4. You'll find them below.
I plan to switch the DEP's status to CANDIDATE since it's about time to start
using this new format to try it out. Once I've done this, I'll announce it on
d-d-a to encourage people to start using it.

Current version: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/

=== Changes since last round ===

I waiwed the RFC-2822 compliancy requirement:

-The meta-information would be stored in a set of RFC-2822 compliant
-fields. Those fields should start on the first non-empty line (after
-having stripped whitespace characters at the start and end of lines).
+The meta-information would be stored in a set of RFC-2822-like
+fields (the difference with RFC-2822 is that newlines are meaningful in
+the Description field, they are not simple continuation characters).
+Those fields should start on the first non-empty line (after having
+stripped whitespace characters at the start and end of

I added some samples:

+Sample DEP-3 compliant headers
+A patch cherry-picked from upstream:
+    Description: Fix regex problems with some multi-bytes characters
+    Origin: upstream: http://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=commitdiff;h=bdb56ba
+    Bug: http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9697
+    Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/510219
+A patch created by the the Debian maintainer John Doe, which got forwarded
+and rejected:
+    Description: Use FHS compliant paths by default
+     Upstream is not interested in switching to those paths.
+     .
+     But we will continue using them in Debian nevertheless to comply with
+     our policy.
+    Forwarded: http://lists.example.com/oct-2006/1234.html
+    Author: John Doe <john@foobar.com>
+    Last-Update: 2006-12-21
+A vendor specific patch not meant for upstream submitted on
+the BTS by a Debian developer:
+    Description: Workaround for broken symbol resolving on mips/mipsel
+     The correct fix will be done in etch and it will require toolchain
+     fixes.
+    Forwarded: not-needed
+    Origin: vendor: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=80;bug=265678
+    Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/265678
+    Author: Thiemo Seufer <ths@debian.org>

Comments welcome!

Raphaël Hertzog

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