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Re: Switching /bin/sh to dash (part two)

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
Giacomo Catenazzi <cate@debian.org> writes:

Raphael Geissert wrote:
Hello everybody,

This is a follow up to my previous thread, with a slightly different proposal.

What actually needs to be done is:
* Make dash essential, make it divert the current /bin/sh symlink by
default, make another essential package depend on dash. Prompt the
user before diverting on interactive upgrades.
One additional question:
how can we setup dependencies, so that "nis + mounted /usr/" needs
explicitly dash as /bin/sh?
[creating ugly dash-as-sh, bash-as-sh packages, who conflict
each other and setup the symlink?]

Or we need to set explicitly use #!/bin/dash in umountall?
[not so flexible solution, but IMHO enough good]

If it needs dash then yes, set #!/bin/dash and Pre-Depend on dash.

But in this case that really needs to be fixed to work with any posix

Substitute "posix" with "debian" and I'll agree: it is not a posix
issue, the init.d scripts are outside posix environment: they should
work also in a restricted environment (without some basic unix functionality). The issue was a busy /usr partition by shell (when umount /usr), thus not always easy to solve and it could be again a shell design.

BTW it seems that all previous tries to remove the bug in bash failed.


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