Re: Section changes in the archive
On So, 15 Mär 2009, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> > Furthermore, you have moved
> > cm-*
> > to fonts. Maybe lmodern* should also be moved to fonts???
> Without the * i guess? Done.
Right, I thought we had some -x11 variant, wrongly thought.
> > There are several other package shipping packages in the "tex" section,
> > don't know what we should do here.
> This sentence doesnt allow me to parse it.
Well, we have all the texlive packge and several others in the category
which is AFAIR not a *proper* category.
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining <> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <> Debian TeX Group
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That kind of large fierce ugly woman who owns a small fierce ugly dog.
--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
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