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Re: people.debian.org to move to ravel

]] Peter Palfrader 

| we shipped one of the machines that HP had so graciously donated a while
| ago to Canada where UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering kindly
| agreed to host it.


| This machine, ravel.debian.org, will become the new people.debian.org
| machine, providing general shell services to DDs and the
| http://people.debian.org/~<user>/ webpages.


| Once the move has been completed we expect to make gluck restricted to
| the people operating the services that will remain on gluck, so please
| clean out your homedir when you no longer need it there.

I'm responsible for the DELAYED queue, which currently lives in my home
directory and is hard coded at least in the default dput configuration
(including lenny and stable), most likely also other personal

I've set up a DELAYED queue instance on ravel now, please use that
instead of the one on gluck.  I'll keep the one on gluck running for
now (that is, until it becomes restricted).

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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