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Bug#509732: Debian policy doesn't feature RC bugs

Package: general
Severity: important

The Debian Policy Manual doesn't feature the Debian Bug Tracking
System. This makes it impossible to report a bug with RC severity in
the Bug Tracking System that permits RC bugs to remain in Debian when
the report is closed incorrectly and nobody notices before it is
archived (please see bug #227941.) Since the problem is only specific
to that bug, it would suffice to raise severity of #227941 to serious.
The current description of severities contained in doc-base (in
bug-maint-info.txt) lists RC bugs as critical, grave and serious, but
nothing in the policy qualifies #227941 as serious (there's no
directive that makes it a policy violation) and the bug isn't grave or
critical according to that description.

I am filing this bug so that this is resolved. According to the
description in that file (bug-maint-info.txt) this bug isn't RC as well
despite it permits RC bugs to remain in Debian as explained above. A
solution would be to include a directive in the Debian Policy that
requires any RC problem be marked as serious.

Please, mark this bug as serious if it's not going to happen in short.

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