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Re: Re: I hereby resign as secretary

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 05:04:55PM +0000, Ian Lynagh wrote:
> > project atmosphere.  The only way we can "get things back on track"
> > and re-focus our energy on the real reason we are all here... to
> > create a free operating system...
> I believe that part of the problem is that we are not all here to create
> "a free operating system". I have the impression that some developers
> merely wish to create "an operating system", or perhaps a
> "'free-enough-for-me' operating system".

OTOH, it seems to me that there are people with varying degrees of
pragmatism.  I believe that we are all here to create a free operating
system.  However, there are those for whom an imperfect release is
better than no release at all, while there are others who believe that
if the release can't be made 100% free then it is not ready.
Personally, I'm quite happy to stand in the former group.  While I
believe that shipping non-free blobs is distasteful and unfortunate, I
believe that our users are better served by timely and functional

But then again, I also believe it to be insane that we don't allow
ourselves to include, for example, RFCs as a part of our OS.  Clearly
I'm not a true supporter of free software. </sarcasm>


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