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Re: mpeg encoder patents, Was: Bug#501190: ITP: moonlight

Didier Raboud <didier@raboud.com> writes:
>> Do you see a particular problem with requiring that?
> Yes...
> If I am in a country where the usage of the "patented" repo is forbidden for
> whatever reason, I could (legally) not rebuild the whole "main" myself.

"Usage" is generally not the problem with that software. For the case
we're discussing here "selling" and in a broader, more concrete form
"distributing" is.

> And if I understand the DFSG correctly, for each package in "main", I should
> be able to get access to the full source code needed for its build. This
> could not be realised if I can't access to "patented" for legal
> reasons.

Wrong. The DFSG is about the lincense of the software, it does not say
anything about patents. Moreover, the DFSG does not even talk about
archive sections.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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