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Re: US mirror troubles

The system is back up.  If you have further trouble, please let us know.


Simon Paillard wrote:
On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 08:41:51PM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:, in http.us.debian.org, and ftp.us.debian.org, has been unreachable on port 80 from all the networks I have access to for days.

This is ftp.egr.msu.edu.

Its admin are in BCC of this mail.

It is also still listed at http://www.debian.org/mirror/list

It is listed "bad" at http://mirror.debian.org/status.html

Can someone remove it from http.us.debian.org and the list until it's back?

This specific issue is being handled by DSA since the ticket has been

Also, would it be possible to notify mirror admins of bad mirrors autoamtically in the future, so this problem can be avoided?

It is possible and already planned, but not yet made real.
I could just cron the script I localy run from time to time, but
it doesn't handle the case "don't harass daily admins whose mirror is

Meanwhile, I can't seem to find a list of rsyncable US mirrors anymore. Does anyone know where that list is kept?

http://www.debian.org/mirror/mirrors_full or the source file in the
webwml CVS.

I'm not sure what list is best for this. Apologies if I found the wrong one. (Should it be -project? Some ticket with the admins RT?)

(debian-)mirrors@debian.org or a bug against the 'mirrors' pseudopackage.


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